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Check Out Our Newest Doll Shoes!

Kuwahi Dolls is thrilled to announce that we are now offering quality, leather doll shoes in our shop. In addition to our beautifully appointed dolls and wigs, we've added shoes to the mix. We have also begun a collaboration with an extraordinary seamstress! In the coming weeks, we will also offer some beautiful dresses for purchase! As the love for Dianna Effner Dolls remain and the interest for our own Joy Forever BJD's grow, so will we!

We are currently offering shoes that are 45mm long and 19mm wide. They fit Joy Forever First Edition BJD's, Dianna Effner Little Darling's (without socks), Dianna Effner 11 inch porcelain dolls, Bitty Bethany from Helen Kish, and Ann Estelle from Robert Tonner.

Given that our Joy Forever BJD's are so new to the market, here's some helpful information when seeking shoes for them. The Joy Forever foot is narrow at 42mm long and 18mm wide. They are a bit smaller than Little Darling shoes. Therefore, if you have some Little Darling shoes that are a bit too small, they should fit our little girl. On the commercial market, the Joy Forever foot is 45X or a 1/6yosd BJD size. Regarding the 45X, the X is important because some of the 45's have a wider toe box.

Kuwahi Dolls Joy Forever First Edition BJD
What size are your shoes?

Dolls Magazine Advertisement

We've begun to advertise in Dolls Magazine ! We will be in an upcoming Special Edition Issue that debuts various BJD Dolls including our own Joy Forever First Edition. This issue will also include a special interview with my mother, Kuwahi Dolls founder and artist, Joyce Mathews. You won't want to miss it!

Thank you to all our wonderful Kuwahi Doll Customers!

We truly appreciate your business! As an expression of our gratitude, please enter JOYFOREVER at checkout to receive 20% off your first shoe purchase.

As always, we welcome your suggestions and feedback. Please feel free to contact us anytime!

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